XWork 1.2.0 Released

The OpenSymphony group is proud to announce the release of XWork 1.2.0.
This release is a bugfix release with some new improvements.

  • Type converters on nested properties
  • Java5 support improvements
  • Line-precise error reporting

For a complete list of all the changes, please refer to the
complete changelog

OpenSymphony JIRA (37 issues)
T Key Summary Assignee Reporter Pr Status Res Created Updated Due
Bug XW-400 i18n and ww:text tag can throw an exception under certain conditions Rainer Hermanns Nick Hill Critical ResolvedResolved FIXED Jul 12, 2006 Jul 17, 2006
Improvement XW-396 Alter prepareInterceptor to call prepare{MethodName} when doing action!methodName tm_jee tm_jee Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Jul 03, 2006 Jul 04, 2006
Bug XW-386 Xwork + SpringIOC. Xwork don't creates the result calling appContext.getBean("myResult"). tm_jee Fabio Falci Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Apr 17, 2006 Jul 22, 2006
Bug XW-385 type conversion of array doesn't work Unassigned tm_jee Major ResolvedResolved WON'T FIX Apr 16, 2006 May 21, 2006
Bug XW-384 DefaultActionInvocation calls Rife every time Andres March Andres March Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Apr 13, 2006 Apr 13, 2006
Improvement XW-383 Validation configuration errors should fail-fast Don Brown Don Brown Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Apr 10, 2006 Apr 10, 2006
Bug XW-380 Debug String is output to System.out.println() Rainer Hermanns Corby Page Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Apr 02, 2006 May 10, 2006
New Feature XW-379 Line-precise error reporting Don Brown Don Brown Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Apr 02, 2006 Apr 04, 2006
Improvement XW-378 Make stack lookup failure better visible in devMode Rene Gielen Rene Gielen Major ClosedClosed FIXED Mar 30, 2006 Mar 30, 2006
Bug XW-377 com.opensymphony.xwork.util.LocalizedTextUtil generate warning when message is the same as key Claus Ibsen cafebabe Minor ResolvedResolved FIXED Mar 30, 2006 Apr 09, 2006
Bug XW-376 ValidationAwareSupport - synchronized - missing some methods Claus Ibsen Claus Ibsen Minor ClosedClosed FIXED Mar 30, 2006 Apr 04, 2006
Bug XW-375 Conflicting validators Claus Ibsen Patrick Lightbody Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Mar 28, 2006 Jun 11, 2006
Improvement XW-374 TimerInterceptor - support setting log category Claus Ibsen Claus Ibsen Minor ResolvedResolved IMPLEMENTED Mar 27, 2006 Apr 04, 2006
Bug XW-373 xwork conversion validator should allow previous value to be displayed upon error in conversion tm_jee tm_jee Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Mar 27, 2006 Apr 02, 2006
Bug XW-372 Date Conversion should be null instead of conversion error when http request is an empty string Rainer Hermanns tm_jee Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Mar 27, 2006 May 10, 2006
Bug XW-371 invalid mail address validation failed tm_jee katsumi takahashi Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Mar 23, 2006 Apr 27, 2006
Improvement XW-365 ExceptionMappingInterceptor should allow logging the exception Claus Ibsen tm_jee Major ClosedClosed IMPLEMENTED Mar 21, 2006 Apr 04, 2006
Improvement XW-340 Parameters for interceptors does not evaluated using ognl stack Alexandru Popescu Schava Eugene Major ClosedClosed NOT A PROBLEM Feb 21, 2006 Jun 22, 2006
Task XW-320 Add tiger and tiger-test targets to AntHill setup Patrick Lightbody Rainer Hermanns Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Jan 13, 2006 Jul 10, 2006
Improvement XW-297 Type Converters Can't Be Set On Nested Properties Patrick Lightbody Doug Seifert Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Feb 10, 2004 Jul 24, 2006
Bug XW-296 Multiple components with same <class> but different <enabler> throws exception Patrick Lightbody Matthew Denner Minor ResolvedResolved WON'T FIX Apr 22, 2004 Jun 23, 2006
Improvement XW-288 ONGL expression cache to use IdentityHashMap Alexandru Popescu John Patterson Trivial ClosedClosed WON'T FIX Jun 09, 2005 Jun 26, 2006
Bug XW-282 NPE thrown when trying to set a sub-property of a property that exists Alexandru Popescu Ganesh Bhattachan Major ClosedClosed CANNOT REPRODUCE Apr 29, 2005 Jun 22, 2006
Improvement XW-279 OgnlValueStack too intolerent of NPEs Alexandru Popescu Kenny MacLeod Minor ClosedClosed WON'T FIX Apr 22, 2005 Jun 22, 2006
Bug XW-278 Expression validation on a non-alias file get validated on alias file as well, thus giving 2 error messages Rainer Hermanns Steve Loh Major ResolvedResolved CANNOT REPRODUCE Apr 21, 2005 May 21, 2006
Improvement XW-271 Child property determination for localization Alexandru Popescu Andrei Ivanov Major ResolvedResolved FIXED Mar 27, 2005 Jul 29, 2006
Improvement XW-270 Interceptor supports IoC Rainer Hermanns Gang Chan Minor ClosedClosed NOT A PROBLEM Mar 01, 2005 Jun 20, 2006
Bug XW-260 xWork does not report syntax errors in OGNL expression Alexandru Popescu Andriy Palamarchuk Major ClosedClosed IMPLEMENTED Jan 12, 2005 Jun 26, 2006
New Feature XW-249 Enable external-ref elements on interceptors Rainer Hermanns Alex Shneyderman Minor ClosedClosed WON'T FIX Dec 07, 2004 Apr 11, 2006
Bug XW-233 Interceptor initialized twice Alexandru Popescu Jeroen van Vianen Major ClosedClosed CANNOT REPRODUCE Oct 15, 2004 Jun 22, 2006
Bug XW-208 short-circuiting of action-level validators before field-level validators doesnt halt execution of the rest of the field-level validators Alexandru Popescu Francisco Hernandez Major ClosedClosed IMPLEMENTED Aug 11, 2004 Jun 22, 2006
Bug XW-201 visitor validation doesnt work if the object to be validated is null Jason Carreira Francisco Hernandez Major ResolvedResolved WON'T FIX Jun 18, 2004 May 21, 2006
New Feature XW-184 ability to pass parameters to the message key in the validaiton system Alexandru Popescu Francisco Hernandez Major ClosedClosed WON'T FIX May 27, 2004 Jun 22, 2006
Improvement XW-176 Create an InterceptorManager to cache interceptors Alexandru Popescu Mike Cannon-Brookes Minor ClosedClosed WON'T FIX May 06, 2003 Jun 22, 2006
Task XW-169 Programmatic Configuration of XWork Jason Carreira Simon Stewart Trivial ResolvedResolved FIXED Mar 08, 2004 Jun 23, 2006
Improvement XW-108 XWorkBasicConverter improvments Alexandru Popescu Mike Mosiewicz Major ClosedClosed FIXED Oct 15, 2003 Jun 26, 2006
Improvement XW-102 RuntimeException should be replaced with proper exception handling Rainer Hermanns Mike Mosiewicz Major ClosedClosed FIXED Oct 06, 2003 Jul 13, 2006

About WebWork

WebWork is a leading open source Java web application framework. Developed originally by Rickard Oberg (original developer of JBoss and creator of XDoclet, among other accomplishments), WebWork aims to lower the bar for developing web applications by making the more tedious tasks of web development automated. By taking the best features from other web frameworks available today, WebWork represents a best-of-bread solution to web development created by through the feedback of an active OpenSymphony community.

WebWork is built on top of XWork, a generic command pattern framework. WebWork uses the capabilities of XWork to provide the following features:

  • Advanced UI components, allowing you to build complex, reusable UI components, ranging from simple text fields to advanced date pickers.
  • A robust inversion of control (IoC) container that binds to the native Servlet lifecycles: request, session, and application.
  • Pluggable configuration, allowing you to develop web "modules" that can easily be integrated together to form complete applications independently.
  • Complete data mapping from HTTP to Java data objects, enabling you to focus more on application development and less on tedious data conversion.
  • A complete validation framework, both on the server side and client side. This lets you choose the most optimal way to ensure user input is correct before processing it.
  • An advanced expression language, based on OGNL, providing the most common operations usually associated with building web-based user interfaces.
  • Support for integration with many popular open source projects, including: Spring, Pico, OSWorkflow, FreeMarker, Velocity, JasperReports, JFreeChart, and many more.